Why Jain methods of preparation?

  • Jul 20, 2023
  • By Andrew johns
  • 0 Comment
Jain pickles, like other Jain cuisine, adhere to specific dietary principles of Jainism, an ancient Indian religion that emphasizes non-violence (ahimsa), truth (satya), non-stealing (asteya), celibacy (brahmacharya), and non-possession (aparigraha). These dietary restrictions are rooted in the belief of causing minimal harm to living beings, especially small organisms like microbes, which are considered to be life forms according to Jainism.

we believe in :

Non-violence (Ahimsa): The most fundamental principle of Jainism is non-violence, which extends to all living beings. Traditional pickling methods involve various methods of fermentation, which can result in the unintentional killing of microorganisms and small organisms. Jain pickles avoid these methods to minimize harm.

Avoiding Root Vegetables: Jains often avoid root vegetables (like onions, garlic, and potatoes) as these vegetables require uprooting the entire plant, potentially causing harm to the organisms living in the soil. Many traditional pickles contain ingredients like onions and garlic, so Jain pickles omit these elements.

Minimal Spices: Jainism encourages simplicity, and the spice mix in Jain pickles is typically limited to certain spices that are considered less harmful and have a lot of medicinal benefits . Ingredients like asafoetida (hing), cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds, and other non-root spices are commonly used in Jain pickles.

Limited Fermentation: While fermentation is a common method for preserving pickles, Jain pickles may use a shorter or milder fermentation process to reduce harm to microorganisms.

Careful Preparation: Jain cooks take great care in the preparation of Jain pickles to ensure that no insects or foreign substances are inadvertently included in the pickles. Jain dietary restrictions also involve using separate utensils and kitchen equipment for Jain food preparation to avoid cross-contamination.

Jain pickles are a reflection of the Jain community's commitment to practicing non-violence and adhering to their religious beliefs in every aspect of their lives, including their dietary choices. These pickles provide Jains with flavorful condiments that are in harmony with their spiritual values and dietary principles.

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